Current zoning is CHNBR and its current use is Clubs, Lodges, Union Halls and vacant commercial. It is appropriate for a Public Gathering. Please refer to Charlotte County Zoning for other uses under CHNBR. The vacant commercial parcel is 33205 sq ft and is currently zoned CHNBR as well and its current use is vacant commercial land which is undeveloped and has mature pine trees. The main structure was constructed in 1972, effective age 1987, with under air area of 3400 sq ft, is a single story, contains a meeting hall, multiple offices, several restrooms, kitchen, food prep area, storage and reception area. 2 Parcel IDs are included of 78,705 sq ft with a total acreage of 1.81 MOL. As is.
Charlotte Harbor Neighborhood Business Residential (CHNBR). 1. Intent. The purpose and intent of this district is to provide daily convenience goods, professional, personal, and business services, and multifamily residential needs of the residents located within the Charlotte Harbor Community and to act as a buffer between and transition between residential and commercial areas. It is only permitted within the Charlotte Harbor Community. 2. Permitted uses and structures (P). (i) Art, dance, music, photo studio or gallery. (ii) Assisted living facility or day care center, adult, six (6) or less (See section 3-9-62, Adult congregate living facilities). (iii) Assisted living facility or day care center, adult, seven (7) or more (See section 3-9-62, Adult congregate living facilities). (iv) Bank, financial services. (v) Clubhouse, community center. (vi) Day care center, child. (vii) Duplex or triplex. (viii) General offices. (ix) General retail sales and services. (x) Medical or dental office, clinic. (xi) Park. (xii) Personal services. (xiii) Place of worship (See section 3-9-82. Places of worship). (xiv) Professional services. (xv) Public building. (xvi) Restaurant.